Friday, June 13, 2008

Palizdar's Father Speaks Out

In an interview with Radio Farda, Abbas Palizdar's father, Safar, said he has no news of where his son is detained nor any news of his well being.

Contrary to the regime's denial that Palizdar was never a member of the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission, Safar Palizdar said 'Not only my son has been working with the commission for a long time, his report had previously been presented to the deputies in Majlis and they were aware of it but no one did anything about it'

Safar Palizdar continued, 'My son volunteered and served in the front line during the war with Iraq when he was only 14 years old. He is a war veteran and cares for this country. He always remembers the blood of the martyrs. He has been next to the martyrs as they died. He had enough and couldn't take it any longer that in this country some can just do as they please. That's why he blew the whistle.'

When he was asked if he is worried about his son, he replied 'How can a father not worry about his son?'

Meanwhile people led by students in Mashad protested against the corrupt ruling financial mafia. Law Enforcement Forces were brutal in their crackdown, and plain clothes agents or what the regime likes to refer to as Unknown Soldiers of the Hidden Imam charged into the crowds arresting those they deemed as the ring leaders. Reports say the resistance by women protesters was impressive and many women were seen fighting the LEF and plain clothes agents.


Winston said...

با اینکه حرفهای این مامور رژیم کاملا درست هست اما من کم کم به این نتیجه رسیدم که این پالیزدار هم سخنگوی احمدی نژاد جنایتکار هست و فرقی با بقیه نداره. هرچی باشه خودش چند کارخانه و شرکت داره و وضعش خوبه. اینها همگی نشانه شعله ور شدن جنگ زرگری بین ملاها هست

Azarmehr said...

فعلا كه اين مرد دستگير است و نه احمدي نژاد و نه ديگر همدستانش نه تنها هيچ حمايتي از او نكردند بلكه هر گونه ارتباط با او را انكار كرده اند. مهم اين است كه مردم اين اتهامات را بشنوند و با اعتراضات خود خواهان رسيدگي به حرفهايش شوند. بياييم مردم را به اعتراض عليه فساد تشويق كنيم و قضاوت در مورد پاليزدار را به آينده موكول كنيم.