Ahmadinejad's close advisor, Mehdi Kalhor, confirmed his daughter's decision and said she was exploited by the enemies of the revolution. Nargess on the other hand hoped her father would see the errors of his judgements and join the people of Iran and the Green Movement.
As one of the employees of the Islamic Centre in London quietly told me, the Green Movement has penetrated every layer of the Iranian society, its not a question of if the Green Movement wins, its just a question of when.
I read this story through der Spiegel. It seems she was advised not to return home because the police would be waiting for her.
I hope she will be granted asylum so that she can continue her vital work.
Good for her. I'd seen that servile father of hers spouting ridiculous propaganda on IRIB. It seems in this case the apple did fall far from the tree.
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